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Why learn WingTsun?

Self Defence

Training in WingTsun Kung Fu helps you build a set of self-defence skills. These skills will not only help you defend yourself from physical confrontation, but also look at avoidance through gesturing, as well giving you a fun way of exercising. You’ll also improve strength, endurance, balance, flexibility and agility.


WingTsun training offers many benefits to men and women of all ages. Leadership can be translated in many different forms; from problem-solving to taking charge of multi-million pound deal at work.


Being able to stand tall and know your own mind. You’ll be surprised to learn that not everyone can do this.
Having the confidence to make the next move up the career ladder or making that step towards the person you are attracted to.
Training in WingTsun helps you gain confidence training up through the student levels, interacting in class with different people. And martial arts training encourages you to challenge your comfort zone.
This success can then be translated into other parts of your life whether that be at school, home or at work.

Energy = Productivity

Motion creates emotion. Exercise increases brain function as well as burning calories and increasing strength. Many people find the gym boring or find it hard to stay motivated which leads them not to keep up with the attendance.
Here at EWTO-CYPRUS we have skilled instructors that can offer a fresh outlook to training. At our schools we’re with you step by step, helping you progress through the system and making you get the best out of martial arts training and the best out of yourself.

Family Activity

We have a saying here at EWTO-CYPRUS: “A family that kicks together, sticks together!”

Parents often ask questions about their child’s training, such as “why do you stand like that?” or “Surely it can’t be that easy to defend that punch or kick?”. Our response “Why not give it a go for yourself, we have an adults class after your child’s class!”
WingTsun Kung Fu is great family activity. We find that our members that train under our family package have a great closeness and also a great appreciation for each another as they know what goes into their training.


The Martial Arts is a great way of learning how to set and achieve your goals.
When they start training in a martial art, a lot of people strive for the next level/belt and some of those high achievers aim for their black belt or Technician grade in WingTsun (considered to be the highest achievement, but most masters believe true training doesn’t begin until then).

By adopting this mindset, it can be translated to different parts of your life, for example “I’m going to aim to buy a new car next year” or “I going to apply for higher position in my work space” or ” I’m hit the gym and get that six pack for summer holiday!”

Focus and Discipline

In this digital age we see our focus being shifted constantly from one thing to another.

From communicating to someone across the world via email or updating your status on a social network, technology has made the world a smaller place but it has made a prisoner to our phones, tablets or computers.

Focus and discipline are two very important attributes in martial arts training. Through training these attributes will spill into your everyday life which increases skill set.  As we’ve said before “Where focus goes, energy flows!”

Having these two in abundance you’ll find that whatever you put your mind to you’ll get the most of out of.